Domestic Violence

Domestic Abuse
Domestic violence often occurs after a heated argument between couples romantically involved or family members goes too far. Due to these types of relationships, intense fears or feelings can escalate quickly, leading to threats of violence or physical harm. Under Arkansas law, domestic abuse involves fear or threat of harm, physical harm or bodily injury between family or household members.
If accused of domestic violence, you’re likely to be arrested no matter how the incident began. Any arrest or accusation can damage your reputation. It’s important to work with a criminal defense attorney who has the experience and dedication you need to ensure your rights are protected. In Arkansas, penalties for domestic violence are often very harsh, some of the harshest in the country.
Even a misdemeanor domestic battery conviction can have collateral consequences such as:
- Losing the right to own a gun
- Having the conviction show up on background checks
- Being prohibited from any contact with the victim
- Receiving a no-contact order of protection, which is especially difficult if you live with the victim
Protecting Your Rights
Domestic battery incidents often arise in the course of a divorce. I understand the delicate nature of domestic battery allegations. My knowledge of civil issues helps me address both your criminal and civil issues with the care, attention and the respect they deserve.
I am a skilled trial lawyer and know how judges, prosecutors and probation officers will view your case and will work to ensure your rights are protected.